Going for a healthy lifestyle means one has to be fit from outside and inside both. Beauty parlors and salons in Balurghat offer comprehensive services so that people get better care for their skin, hair and to be very precise the entire body. The better your looks would be, the more relieved you will feel.
To ensure you are healthy and fit from inside, yoga, meditation and workouts are helpful and Balurghat people get well trained experts to guide them for the same. Everyday stresses in our lives increase and the best way to cope with them is to maintain good lifestyle that is healthy and enjoyable. The ever growing demands and complications of the modern life can be well managed through regular workouts, yoga, mediations, and beauty treatments and by taking holistic approach towards life.
Beauty Parlors in Balurghat
Beauty Parlors are no more the places where people visit only the day of special occasions like wedding ceremony, engagement party or other formal parties. Nowadays, people keep on visiting beauty parlors and salons on regular basis so that total care of skin, hair, nails, legs, hands etc. could be done. Hair cutting, hair coloring, straightening of hair, and hair styling are the various services offered by expert hair stylists and hair dressers at the beauty parlors and salons. Exclusive hair spas are also there. The ranges of services vary from budget one to the most exhaustive ones.
Regular massages mostly the Ayruvedic massages, Kerala massages, Swedish massages etc. are done at these beauty parlors to detoxify body and make you feel better from inside and outside both. Facials, ranging from simple one to the gold and pearl facial are also offered to the customers. Use of essential oil, aromatherapy and latest innovative techniques in these beauty parlors make customer feel satisfied and delighted. Waxing, manicure and pedicure are done on regular basis for special occasions like Wedding and others. Pre-wedding grooming of skin and body and bridal makeup of high quality are offered at these salons and beauty parlors.
Services like haircutting, hair styling and facial are also offered to men though women are the regular visitors of these places.
Some of the Beauty Parlors in Balurghat:
Manobikash Ladies Beauty PourlourAddress:
Taha Bajar,
Dinajpur - 733101
Phone no.: 9434 539 555
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 6:30 pm (Sunday Closed)
Anmika Ladies Beauty Parlour
Powerhouse Para,
Dinajpur - 733101
Phone no.: 9933 423 678
Basanti Ladies Beauty Parlor
Dinajpur - 733101
Phone no.: 9475 725 184
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 8 pm (Sunday Closed)